Vat Kedei or Kedei Ang (also referred to as Ang Chumnik), where the inscription was found is in the Ba Phnon province.
The inscription was engraved on two separate pieces of stone which probably once formed the part of the same doorway. The first stone contains 19 lines of writing, the first six and the last being Sanskrit and the rest in Khmer. The second stone contains 20 lines, all written in Sanskrit. The Sanskrit portion is all written in verse, the metre being in part I, v.1 Upajati, 2-4 AnuStubh, and in part II, 1-4 and 7-12, AnuShtubh, 5, Sragdhara and 6 Malini.
The inscription records the establishment of a Sivalinga by one Acharya – Vidyavinaya and the dedication to the god, by him and his wife, of all their goods got by Shivadatta. The donation was made in the year 551 Saka (629 AD). Then follows the Khmer text, giving details of the donation, consisting of lands, gardens and slaves, etc., made by various persons named Sanaishvara, Somakriti, Chandrodaya and Bhavakumara. The sacred enclosure is referred to as Rudrashrama in the last line of the first inscription.
According to Barth, the first six verses of the second inscription are written by the same hand as the first, and record various donations made to the temple. In particular, reference is made to the restoration of a tank, consecrated to Hari, and well known in the locality, by the same individual (This tank is probably represented by the existing tank to the cast of the temple). The remaining part of the second inscription is written in a different hand and was evidently added at a later period. It records that King Jayavarman made donations to the god Shiva, and one of his officers, the governor of Adyapura, instituted a religious festival in honour of Shiva on the third day of the month Madhava (Chaitra).
प्रथमो भागः
आचार्यविद्याविनयाह्वयेन मया पुनस्संस्कृतमत्र भक्त्या।
समस्तदायस्थिरमस्तु सर्वलोकैकनाथस्य शिवस्याङ्गम्॥१॥
खपञ्चेन्द्रियगे शाके रोहिण्यां शशिनि स्थिते।
शिवाङ्गं तदा तेन देवस्संस्क्रियते पुनः॥२॥
सर्वस्वं भार्यया सार्धं यज्ञदत्तस्य भोजकः।
शिवदत्तादवाप्यैतत् शिवाङ्गाय दत्तवान्॥३॥
नानातरुगणाकीर्णं देवायतनमीद्रृशम्।
कृतं नामाभवत्तेन रुद्राश्रम इति स्मृतम्॥४॥
द्वितीयो भागः
पुनः संस्कृत्य तेनैव श्री…म्रातकेश्वरे।
योजिताशेषविभवं शिवाङ्गद्वयं क…॥१॥
सोमशर्मा जटािङ्गं हरिश्चैव भटारकः।
तेषान्तेन च दत्तं यो देवस्वं हर्तुमिच्छति॥२॥
समूढो नरकं यातु कालसूत्रमवाक्शिराः।
सपुत्रपौत्रसन्तान आसप्तमकुलादपि॥३॥
स्वदत्तां परदत्तां वा यो हरेत वसुन्धराम्।
श्वविष्ठायां क्रिविर्भूत्वा पितृभिः सह पच्यते॥४॥
लाक्षारागोपमेयन्निखिलपुरजनैर्लक्षितं पङ्कजानां
रक्तत्वं यद्दलाग्रेष्वनुदिनमुदितं श्रीहरेः पुष्करिण्याम्।
तन्निःशेषं विनष्टं भवति खलु पुनस्संस्कृतायां त्वयास्यां
धर्मे तेऽत्यन्तशुक्ला निहितमिह मनस्सूचयन्तीव पद्माः॥५॥
चिरमपि सहजां तां रक्ततामाशु हित्वा
स्ववपुरतिमनोज्ञं शङ्खकुन्देन्दुशुभ्रम्।
वहति पुनरिदानीं यद्वनं पङ्कजानां
कुशलकरणदक्षं त्वन्मनस्तत्र हेतुः॥६॥
राजा श्रीजयवर्मेति योऽत्यशेतान्यभूभुजः।
तेनास्मिन् गिरिशे दायि कोशो हुतवहद्युतिः।
दत्तकोशसहस्रेण सर्वदिक्ख्यातकीर्तिना॥८॥
तेनैव राज्ञा धर्मज्ञस्सद्भृत्यः कुलसन्ततेः।
सत्कृत्याढ्यपुरस्स्याढः …..नियोजितः॥९॥
तेनोत्सवश्शिवस्यास्य सम्मतः पुरवासिनाम्।
वरदग्रामपतिना ….भबुद्धिना॥१०॥
माधवस्य तृतीयाह्नि दानकालप्रशंसिते।
कर्तव्यश्श्रद्धया पुम्भिरि…मक्षयम्॥११॥
पुण्यं बीजं न कुर्याद्यः पुण्यक्षेत्रे महेश्वरे।
उरुसम्पद्बलावाप्ति निराश्श्च ….॥१२॥