Eastern Baray is the name given to the dry bed of a large tank with raised banks forming a rectangle about 3 miles east to west, and 2 miles north to south, situated to the east of Angkor. A stele has been found at each corner of this rectangle, bearing this inscription and the next three (NOs. 63-65, – 62 – North-West; 63-South-East; 64-North-East; 65-South-West). All these four inscriptions are written in a North-Indian script and contain 108 verses, 27 on each face. They begin with an invocation (VV. 1-2) and genealogy of the King (VV 4-18) which are identical with what we find in Loley Ins. (No. 61). V.3, which also forms a part of the invocation, and the last five verses, containing the imprecation, are also common to all the four inscriptions. In addition to this common portion each of the inscriptions only contains an eulogy of the King and an eulogy of the tank, excavated by him, called Yasodhara-tataka. There is no doubt that the dry bed of this tank is today represented by the Eastern Baray.
The metres of the verses of this inscription are as follows : – Vasanthatilaka (3,19,90,91-102); Upajati (20-24,26,28-37,39-50,52,53,55,57,58,60,63,64,66,68,71-82,84,87,88,2,104-108); Indravajra (25,38,51,54,56,5,61,62,65,67,83,85,89,91,93); Upendravajra (27,69); Vasanthatilaka (70,86); Malini (103).
The royal eulogy in this inscription refers to an expedition by sea (V. 46). According to V. 94 the King himself composed a commentary on Mahabhasya. Reference is also made to Vatsyayana as the author of Kamasutra (V. 82) and to the legend of Gunadhya (V. 53).
TEXT VV. 1-2 same as VV, 1-2 in No. 61
सङ्सर्प्पिपाटलातलाङ्शुतरङ्गिताशङ्गङ्गाङ्घ्रिपङ्कजयुगं भुवनं पुनातु।
VV. 4-18 same as VV, 3-17 in No. 61
ईदॄश्यहं स्मरकृतङ्किल साधनं ते यत् सत्यमात्मनिधनाय तु साधिताहम्।
सामर्षमित्यगजयाभिहितो नु भूयाः कामं व्यधादधिककान्ततमं यमीशः॥१९॥